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How I Shorten the Sales Cycle and Win More Deals for Startups

Hey, I am happy 😀 you've found me! If you're tired of drawn-out sales cycles and deals that slip through your fingers, you're in the right place.

I've spent years working with startups in the UK, Europe US and Brazil, and I've learned a few unconventional tricks to accelerate sales and boost win rates.

Forget the cookie-cutter advice and textbook strategies. This is the stuff they don't teach you in business school.

Why Conventional Sales Wisdom Often Fails Startups

Here's the thing: Most sales advice is designed for established companies with well-oiled machines. Startups are a different beast.

We're agile, scrappy, and often under-resourced. We need to move fast, adapt quickly, and punch above our weight class.

That's why traditional sales approaches often fall short for startups. They're too slow, too rigid, and too focused on the wrong metrics.

My Unconventional Approach

1. Obsess Over Customer Fit: Before you even think about pitching, make sure your product is a perfect fit for your target customer (ICP - Ideal Customer Profile). Do your homework, talk to potential customers, and validate your assumptions. This will save you countless hours chasing deals that are never going to close. And go niche, I mean hyper-niche, starting off by saying something like "Our ICP is every company that uses Shopify" is utter B***S***, you need to narrow your lens and probably go 30 layers deeper.

2. Ditch the Script: Stop relying on generic sales scripts. Instead, focus on building genuine relationships with your prospects. Be human, be authentic, and be helpful. This will make you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

3. Embrace the Power of "No": Don't be afraid of rejection. In fact, I encourage it. Every "no" you get brings you closer to a "yes." Use rejection as an opportunity to learn, refine your approach, and improve your product.

4. Experiment Relentlessly: Sales is a science, not an art. Test different approaches, measure your results, and iterate constantly. Don't be afraid to try something new. The only way to find what works is to experiment. Check out my post - How I Run Growth Experiments For Startups

5. Leverage Data and Technology: Use CRM tools, analytics platforms, and sales automation software to streamline your processes, track your progress, and identify areas for improvement. Data is your friend, so use it wisely. Check out Growth Toolkit

Real-World Results (The Proof Is in the Pudding)

  • >20% Shorter Sales Cycles (multiple startups): One startup I worked with reduced their average sales cycle by 55% in under 1 year by focusing on customer fit and running sniper experiments every week.
  • 41% Increase in Win Rate (£396,774 attributed revenue in 2 quarters): Another startup saw a 41% increase in their win rate by embracing rejection. In fact they forced rejection, their qualification questions became so precise they could quickly dump non starters our of the pipeline and focus all efforts on the sales prospects that were going to move quickly and were high win probability.

Ready to Shake Things Up?

If you're ready to ditch the conventional sales wisdom and try something new, I'm here to help. Let's talk about how we can accelerate your sales cycle, boost your win rates, and drive sustainable growth for your startup.