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Privacy Policy


1. Our Privacy Policy is trading style of Salvigo Limited (07854552)

We process your personal information to run our business and provide our users with the Services. If you don’t want us to collect or process your personal information in the ways described in this policy, you shouldn’t use the Services. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies or practices of any of our members or partners hosted through our platform. requires all account holders to be at least 18 years of age. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your account.

By using the Services, you acknowledge that will use your information in the United Kingdom any other country where operates. Please be aware that the privacy laws and standards in certain countries, including the rights of authorities to access your personal information, may differ from those that apply in the country in which you reside.

2. Information Collected or Received

In the course of providing our Services, we collect or receive your personal information in a few different ways. We obtain the categories of personal information listed below from the following sources: directly from you, for example, from forms you complete or during registration; indirectly from you based on your activity and interaction with our Services, and from our third party advertising and marketing partners. Often, you choose what information to provide, but sometimes we require certain information to provide you the Services. uses the personal information it receives and collects in accordance with the purposes described in this policy.
You can also choose to provide information to a third party via’ API. While users of’ API are required to follow’ API Terms of Use, including having appropriate privacy and security controls, does not have a direct partner relationship with these third parties and their processing of information is subject to their own privacy policies. You should understand the privacy and security practices of any third party before you share information with them.

Registration, Account Setup, Service Usage: In order to use the Services, you will need to submit a valid email address. If you register, you will need to submit a name associated with your account. You may modify that name through your account settings. You need to provide this information to enable us to provide you with the Services. Additional information, such as a shop name, billing and payment information (including billing contact name, address, telephone number, credit card information), a telephone number, and/or a physical postal address, may be necessary in order for us to provide a particular service.

Profile: You may provide your name and other personal information (such as birthday, gender, location) in connection with your account and activity. You can edit or remove this information through your account settings. The name associated with your account (which you may modify in your account settings) is not publicly displayed and connected to your activity.

Automated Information: automatically receives and records information from your browser or your mobile device when you visit the Site, use the Apps, or use certain features of the Services, such as your IP address or unique device identifier, cookies, and data about which pages you visit and how you interact with those pages in order to allow us to operate and provide the Services. This information is stored in log files and is collected automatically. may also receive similar information (like, for example, IP addresses and actions taken on the device) provided by a connected Internet of Things device such as a voice-activated assistant or Smart TV. We may combine this information from your browser or your mobile device with other information that we or our advertising or marketing partners collect about you, including across devices. This information is used to prevent fraud and to keep the Services secure, to analyse and understand how the Services work for members and visitors, and to provide advertising, including across your devices, and a more personalised experience for members and visitors.

We also automatically collect device-specific information when you install, access, or use our Services. This information can include information such as the hardware model, operating system information, app version, app usage and debugging information, browser information, IP address, and device identifiers.

Data from Advertising and Marketing Partners: As described below, receives information from our advertising and marketing partners about you. This information can include attribution information via cookies and UTM tags in URLs to determine where a visit to comes from, responses to marketing emails and advertisements, responses to offers, and audience information from partners who you have given consent to share that information with us.

Analytics Information: We use data analytics software to ensure Site and App functionality and to improve the Services. This software records information such as how often you use the Apps, what happens within the Apps, aggregated usage, performance data, app errors and debugging information, and where the Apps were downloaded from. We do not link the information we store within the analytics software to any personally identifiable information that you submit within the mobile application. For more information, see’ Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy and Disclosures.

Non-Member Information: receives or obtains information (for example, an email address or IP address) about a person who is not yet a registered member (a “non-member”) in connection with certain features, such as when a non-member chooses to subscribe to an newsletter, a member invites a non-member to visit the Site, a member uploads non-member information, a non-member engages in a transaction. Non-member information is used only for the purposes disclosed when it was submitted to, for purposes necessary to the functioning of’ Services or where has a legitimate interest, as disclosed in the “Information Uses, Sharing, & Disclosure” Section below, or to facilitate action authorised by a member or the non-member.

3. Messages from

On occasion, will need to contact you. Primarily, these messages are delivered by email for a variety of reasons, including marketing, transactions, and service update purposes. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications via email by unsubscribing to emails or emailing us with your request.

Some messages from are service-related and necessary for members. You understand and agree that can send you non-marketing emails such as those related to transactions, your account, security, or product changes.

4. Information Uses, Sharing, & Disclosure

We respect your privacy. will not disclose your name, email address or other personal information to third parties without your consent, except as specified in this policy.

Legal Bases

When you access or use the Services, we collect, use, share, and otherwise process your personal information for the purposes described in this policy. We rely on a number of legal bases to use your information in these ways. These legal bases include where:

- You have consented to the processing, which you can revoke at any time;
- Necessary to comply with a legal obligation, a court order, or to exercise or defend any impending or asserted legal claims;
- Necessary for the purposes of our or a third party’s legitimate interests, such as those of visitors, members, or partners (described in more detail below);
- You have expressly made the information public;
- Necessary in the public interest, such as to prevent crime; and
- Occasionally necessary to protect your vital interests or those of others (in rare cases where we may need to share information to prevent loss of life or personal injury).

We principally rely on consent (which can be withdrawn at anytime) (i) to send marketing messages, (ii) for third-party data sharing related to advertising, and, to the extent applicable, (iii) for the use of location data for advertising purposes.

We rely on consent for targeted online and offline marketing including through tools like Facebook Custom Audience and Google Customer Match. We may advertise our Services through a variety of different mediums and rely on your consent to do so off-site. As part of this, we may work with advertising partners such as Facebook, Google, and other partners disclosed in our Cookies and Similar Technology Policy. These partners have their own privacy policies and consent mechanisms for their customers, in addition to’ controls. You may see the privacy policies and privacy choices for these partners, and the information you share with them, in our Cookies and Similar Technology Disclosures.

Our Legitimate Interests

Where we process your information on the basis of legitimate interests, we do so as follows:

Providing and Improving our Services: We use your information to improve and customise our Services, including sharing your information for such purposes, and we do so as it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests of improving our Services for our users. This is also necessary to enable us to pursue our legitimate interests in understanding how our Services are being used, and to explore and unlock ways to develop and grow our business. It is also necessary to allow us to pursue our legitimate interests in improving our Services, efficiency, interest in Services for users, and obtaining insights into usage patterns of our Services.

Providing Marketing Communications: We rely on our legitimate interest to send you marketing messages (where permitted independent of consent) and for’ advertising programmes (including’ on-site advertising and marketing).

Keeping our Services Safe and Secure: We use your information for safety and security purposes, which can include sharing your information for such purposes, and we do so because it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party in ensuring the security of our Services, preventing harm to individuals or property, or crime, enforcing or defending legal rights, or preventing damage to’ systems, or those of our users or our partners. This includes enhancing protection of our community against spam, harassment, intellectual property infringement, crime, and security risks of all kinds. We use your information to provide and improve the Services, for billing and payments, for identification and authentication, and for general research and aggregate reporting.

Legal and Safety: may also retain, preserve, or release your personal information to a third party in the following limited circumstances: in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet legitimate national security or law enforcement requirements; to protect, establish, or exercise our legal rights or defend against impending or asserted legal claims, including to collect a debt, or a material violation of our policies; to comply with a subpoena, court order, legal process, or other legal requirement; or when we believe in good faith that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law, prevent imminent physical harm or financial loss, or investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, threats to our rights or property. In these cases, our use of your information may be necessary for the purposes of our or a third party’s legitimate interest in keeping our Services secure, preventing harm or crime, enforcing or defending legal rights, or preventing damage. Such use may also be necessary to comply with a legal obligation, a court order, or to exercise or defend legal claims. It may also be necessary in the public interest (such as to prevent crime) or to protect vital interests (in rare cases where we may need to share information to prevent loss of life or personal injury).

If receives a lawful, verified request for a member’s records or information in one of the limited circumstances described in the previous paragraph, may disclose personal information, which may include, but may not be limited to, a member’s name, address, phone number, email address, and company name.
Service Providers: also needs to engage third-party companies and individuals (such as research companies, and analytics and security providers) to help us operate, provide, and market the Services. These third parties have only limited access to your information, may use your information only to perform these tasks on our behalf, and are obligated to not to disclose or use your information for other purposes.

5. Security

The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and after it is received. Unfortunately, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal information, we can't guarantee it is absolute security.

Your account information is protected by a password. It is important that you protect against unauthorised access to your account and information by choosing your password carefully and by keeping your password and computer secure, such as by signing out after using the Services.

If you have any questions about the security of your personal information, you can contact us at

6. Retention will retain your information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this policy, for as long as your account is active (i.e., for the lifetime of your member account), or as needed to provide the Services to you. If you no longer want to use your information to provide the Services to you, you may close your account. will retain and use your information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your information to comply with applicable tax/revenue laws), resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and as otherwise described in this policy. In addition, sellers may also be required to retain and use your information in order to comply with their own legal obligations. Please note that closing your account may not free up your email address, username, or shop name (if any) for reuse on a new account. We also retain log files for internal analysis purposes. These log files are generally retained for a brief period of time, except in cases where they are used for site safety and security, to improve site functionality, or we are legally obligated to retain them for longer time periods.

7. Your Rights & Choices

Certain privacy laws around the world, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), provide users with rights related to their personal information. Consistent with those laws, gives you the choice of accessing, editing, or removing certain information, as well as choices about how we contact you. You may change or correct your account information through your account settings.

If you would like to manage, change, limit, or delete your personal information, you can do so via your account settings. Alternatively, you can exercise any of the rights above by contacting us by submitting an email through to Once you contact us to exercise any of your rights, we will confirm receipt of your request.

Limiting use of, or deleting, your personal information may impact features and uses that rely on that information. However, we will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights, including otherwise denying you goods or services, providing you with a different level or quality of services, or charging you different prices or rates for services.

Please note that we may verify your identity before we are able to process any of the requests described in this Section, and in our discretion, deny your request if we are unable to verify your identity. As a part of this process, government or other identification may be required. You may designate an authorised agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorised agent to make a request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government issued identification, and the authorised agent’s valid government issued identification, and we may verify the authenticity of the request directly with you.

Email & Messages

You may also control the receipt of certain types of communications from in your account settings. may send you messages about the Services or your activity. Some of these messages are required, service-related messages for members (such as transactional messages or legal notices). Other messages are not required, such as newsletters.


If you have a disability and would like to access this policy in an alternative format, please contact us using one of the channels listed in the “Contact” section below.

8. Privacy Policy Changes

We may amend or update this policy from time to time. If we believe that the changes are material, we’ll let you know by doing one (or more) of the following: (i) posting the changes on or through the Services, (ii) sending you an email or message about the changes, or (iii) posting an update in the version notes on the Apps’ platform. We encourage you to check back regularly and review any updates.

9. Contact

If you have any questions:

Send an email to’ Data Protection Officer at