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How I Help 3PLs Win New Clients (using Storeleads, Trustpilot & Clay)

Hey 3PL rockstars! Let's face it: Finding your perfect ecommerce clients match isn't always a walk in the park.

But what if I told you there's a sneaky little trick to uncover your dream clients, all while sipping your morning coffee?

Yep, I'm spilling the beans on how I help 3PLs like you generate leads that practically beg for your services. It's all about tapping into a secret weapon: Reviews.

Reviews: The Ecommerce Gold Mine for 3PLs

Think of reviews like a customer experience crystal ball. They reveal a brand's pain points, their triumphs, and everything in between. And for a savvy 3PL, they're a goldmine of potential leads.

Here's the deal: Most ecommerce brands are obsessed with reviews (and for good reason). They know that glowing reviews translate to happy customers, increased trust, and ultimately, more sales. But here's the kicker: Not all brands have mastered the review game. Some struggle with bad reviews, others lack reviews altogether, and some just haven't discovered the magic of certain review platforms.

My Review-Powered Lead Generation Machine

This is where things get interesting. I've developed a system that sifts through ecommerce reviews with laser focus, identifying brands that are prime candidates for 3PL partnerships.

Here's the breakdown:

The Data Roundup: I use a tool like Storeleads (other datasources can work) to find URLs of ecommerce brands.

The Clay Workflow: I then put these URLs into my Clay workflow, and bingo, it scrapes multiple datasources like Google and Trustpilot to find the ecommerce brands review score:

  • Low Review Scores: Less than 4 out of 5 stars? Ding ding ding! This brand is likely frustrated with their current fulfilment situation and open to new solutions.
  • Few Reviews: Fewer than 100 reviews? This brand needs help building social proof and trust.
  • No Reviews on Specific Platforms: No reviews on Trustpilot? This brand is missing out on a key opportunity to showcase their credibility.
The Campaign Categorisation: Once I've identified these "review-challenged" brands, I segment them into different campaigns:

  • "Bad Review Blues" Campaign: Targets brands with low review scores, highlighting the impact of negative reviews on conversions.
  • "Lonely Review" Campaign: Targets brands with few reviews, emphasising the importance of social proof and trust-building.
  • "Missing Review" Campaign: Targets brands without reviews on specific platforms, showcasing the benefits of diversifying their review presence.
  • The Personalised Pitch: For each campaign, I craft a personalised message that addresses the brand's specific pain points and demonstrates how a 3PL partnership can solve their problems. It's not about selling – it's about offering a solution.

The Bottom Line: Happy Clients, Full Pipeline

This review-driven approach has helped me generate a steady stream of high-quality leads for my 3PL clients. These brands are actively looking for solutions, making them more receptive to your services. And because you're offering a solution to their specific problem, you're more likely to close the deal.

Ready to Give It a Whirl?

If you're ready to ditch the cold calls and spammy emails, let's chat. I'll show you how to leverage the power of reviews to fill your pipeline with dream clients.

Remember, in the world of 3PLs, the early bird gets the worm (and the best reviews).